What is the double declining balance method of depreciation?

what is double declining balance

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What assets are DDB best used for?

Depreciation is a critical aspect when it comes to recording assets in the books of accounts. As a small business owner, you should hire an accountant who can help you with the complexities involved with depreciation. This will relieve the burden of handling such a challenging task yourself. Here’s everything you need to know about depreciation and the double-declining balance method of depreciation used by most organizations in the US.


With the double declining balance method, the deduction will be 20% of $50,000 ($10,000) in the first year, 20% of $40,000 ($8,000) in the second and so on. The drawback of not using depreciation in accounting also leads to an overstatement of assets and net income in the balance sheet and income statement respectively. Companies generally use a declining balance method or a straight-line method to calculate the value of depreciation of an asset. The double-declining approach has gained much popularity recently and is also known as the accelerated depreciation method or the reducing balance method. The first step to understanding what is depreciation method you should use for your business is knowing what depreciation is. Depreciation is the process by which a particular asset’s value is https://www.facebook.com/BooksTimeInc/ written off over a period of years.


  • One of the methods would be partial year depreciation, in which the depreciation is evaluated exactly when the asset is in use and the convention in which the depreciation falls.
  • Further, to extract the amount of the asset’s monthly depreciation, divide the total anticipated depreciation for the year by 12.
  • To illustrate the double declining balance method in action, let’s use the example of a car leased by a company for its sales team.
  • Owing to an increased rate of depreciation, it is termed accelerated depreciation.
  • So your annual write-offs are more stable over time, which makes income easier to predict.
  • Your basic depreciation rate is the rate at which an asset depreciates using the straight line method.
  • A double-declining balance depreciation method is an accelerated depreciation method that can be used to depreciate the asset’s value over the useful life.

Choosing the right depreciation method is essential for accurate financial reporting and strategic tax planning. The double declining balance method offers faster depreciation, suitable for assets that lose value quickly, while the straight line method spreads costs evenly over the asset’s useful life. Depreciation is the act of writing off an asset’s value over its expected useful life, and reporting it on IRS Form 4562. The double declining balance https://www.bookstime.com/ method of depreciation is just one way of doing that.

what is double declining balance

Although some accounting software applications can manage fixed assets and depreciation, you will likely have to manually enter a depreciation journal entry into your software application. Business owners do not want to worry about depreciation schedules and various depreciation methods. The double declining method seeks to accelerate the rate of the straight line rate.

what is double declining balance

  • When the depreciation rate for the declining balance method is a multiple of doubling the straight-line rate, it is effectively the double-declining balance method.
  • This method is best suited for assets that lose a big portion of their value at the beginning of their useful life, cars or any items that become obsolete quickly are good examples.
  • Owning assets in a business inevitably means depreciation will be required since nothing lasts forever, especially for fixed assets.
  • When you’re doing your business’s accounting, depreciation is a concept that you need to be familiar with.
  • In the case of 200%, the asset will depreciate twice as fast as it would under straight-line depreciation.
  • DDB is best used for assets that lose value quickly and generate more revenue in their early years, such as vehicles, computers, and technology equipment.
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The carrying value of an asset decreases more quickly in its earlier years under the straight line depreciation compared to the double-declining method. Depreciation in the year of disposal if the asset is sold before its final year of useful life is therefore equal to Carrying Value × Depreciation% × Time Factor. No depreciation is charged following the year in which the asset is sold. For example, if an asset has a useful life of 10 years (i.e., Straight-line rate of 10%), the depreciation rate of 20% would be charged on its carrying value.

It is expected that the fixtures will have no salvage value at the end of their useful life of 10 years. Under the straight-line method, the 10-year life means the asset’s annual depreciation will be 10% of the asset’s cost. Under the double declining balance method the 10% straight line rate is doubled to 20%. However, the 20% is multiplied times the what is double declining balance fixture’s book value at the beginning of the year instead of the fixture’s original cost. In the world of finance and accounting, understanding how to manage and account for asset depreciation is crucial for all businesses.

what is double declining balance

How to Calculate Double Declining Balance Depreciation

Our mission is to equip business owners with the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions. For the second year of depreciation, you’ll be plugging a book value of $18,000 into the formula, rather than one of $30,000. Next year when you do your calculations, the book value of the ice cream truck will be $18,000. Don’t worry—these formulas are a lot easier to understand with a step-by-step example.

What is the double declining depreciation rate?

what is double declining balance

This can make profits seem abnormally low, but this isn’t necessarily an issue if the business continues to buy and depreciate new assets on a continual basis over the long term. Doing some market research, you find you can sell your five year old ice cream truck for about $12,000—that’s the salvage value. Recovery period, or the useful life of the asset, is the period over which you’re depreciating it, in years. We take monthly bookkeeping off your plate and deliver you your financial statements by the 15th or 20th of each month. Yes, it is possible to switch from the Double Declining Balance Method to another depreciation method, but there are specific considerations to keep in mind.

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